
Your repair request is very important to us. Reporting your repair request online will get you the quickest response.  



Repair Process.  

Whenever you wish to report a repair, please go to our website at, click the "Repairs" tab at the top, and then click the "Report an Issue Online" link (above).  This will bring you to a simple form to fill out.  By filling out this form accurately, you will be communicating all the needed information for Valor Homes to fix the problem.  This form is automatically sent to the Valor Homes management as well as the office staff who assign the repair to the most effective technician available.  Repairs reported in this manner get priority, especially emergency repairs.

As soon as you fill out the form, you will get an automated email acknowledging the repair has been reported.   Some time later, the repair will be assigned to a technician and you will get another email with the technician's name and phone number.  Please text the technician (do not call) when you will be available for the repair.  If you cannot be available between 8 AM and 4 PM on workdays, text him your okay for him to enter the property if no one is home.  If the technician does not respond within 1 business day, please report this on the same form on the website.  Please understand that the technician is dealing with multiple tenants and multiple repairs.  

Once the technician completes the repair, he will mark it complete.  At that point you will get an email indicating the repair is complete.  If the repair is not complete, please report it again on the website.  If the repair is complete, you have an option to leave feedback on the email.  We welcome all feedback, good and bad so we can work to improve our processes.

If you cannot fill out the repair form on the website for any reason, email or text 404-647-9174 with the repair information.  If it is an email, make the subject "Repair reporting."  Include on the email or text your addess, your name, your phone number, and the specifics of the repair request.  Not reporting the repair on the website form will likely delay the repair considerably but at least it will be reported. Please do not call as no repair requests will be taken over the phone.  There is too much room for error when a repair is reported verbally.

If you have other information to communicate to support your repair request, such as pictures, please email those to  Please note on the Repairs form you fill out on the website that you have emailed supporting information.  You can also text the pictures to 404-647-9174.

If you call or text the repair phone at 404-563-0936, this does not get viewed by Valor Homes management and is not monitored 24/7.  Voicemails left are not monitored on the weekend or by Valor Homes management.  Repairs communicated this way are not given immediate attention and have a much greater chance of falling through the cracks.  

If you have an emergency, please call 911.  Valor Homes will monitor any repairs reported through the website over the weekend and send someone out if it is possible.  Valor Homes does not monitor the voicemail messages or the repair phone on the weekends.

If you have reported a repair and it has not been given proper attention, please report that information in the same way you report a repair through the website.  You can mark it second request or give additional information about your repair.  


Valor Homes is not able to provide or repair the following:  

Please note... You will be charged for garage door remotes and garage door service calls.


If a repair is deemed to be the fault of the tenant, the tenant will be 100% responsible for the cost of the repair.  This includes but is not limited to garage doors and sensors, garage remotes, broken windows, clogged toilets or septic issues caused by lodged foreign objects, feminine products, excesses grease, igniting pilot, filters, and damage from running water, etc. ***All fees associated with a repair must be paid within 30 days of issuance. ***

All missed appointments will generate a $50.00 trip fee.



Policy for Locks

Lock Out (lock yourself out of home)

$50 fee
Change Locks

$125 fee

Downed Trees:
Per Georgia Tree Law: “Wherever the tree landed, that person is responsible for dealing with it regardless of where the tree came from." This means that even if the tree is on Valor Homes property and falls on or damages the neighboring property, the responsibility of the clean up and or repairs falls on the owner of the damaged property. If a tree crosses both property lines, it is both property owners’ responsibility to clean up their own property. 



Valor Homes 100 LLC